marți, 14 noiembrie 2017

16ème concours de Haïkus du Taol Kurun 2017-18

Am primit un mesaj în care se anunţa concursul şi un link. Ceva nu se potriveşte. Aştept corecturile, precizările necesare. Poate din altă sursă. Link-ul e corect, dar informaţiile nu sunt actualizate.

Puteţi trimite haikuurile pe saitul

Am lămurit. Tema e arbore, cu părţile sale. Termenul final este marţi 31 de decembrie 2017. 

vineri, 3 noiembrie 2017

Polish International Haiku Contest – VII Edition 2017

Submission period: October 15 – November 30, 2017
Haiku: one (not previously published in any form, not submitted anywhere), one person can send only one haiku – multiply submissions will not be accepted
Language: English
Theme: free
Style: with kigo (seasonal reference – any), three lines, within the 5-7-5 syllable pattern, no strict syllable count
Fee: none
Jury: Hany correspondence regarding the PIHC contest (queries, doubts etc. ) should be mailed to correspondence regarding the PIHC contest (queries, doubts etc. ) should be mailed to Hiruta (Founder of the Akita International Haiku Network) – Final Judge, Marta Chocilowska (Treasurer of the PHA) and Robert Kania (President of the PHA) – Pre-Selectors
Coordinator: Krzysztof Kokot – haiku poet
Results: up to 31 December
Prizes: diplomas and gifts for 1st (one haiku), 2nd (one haiku) and 3rd prize (one haiku), diplomas for commendations (ten haiku)
Organizer: Polish Haiku Association (PHA)
Note: any correspondence regarding this contest (queries, doubts etc. ) should be mailed to
Online entry form: