marți, 21 februarie 2017

First Montenegrin International Haiku Contest in English

Dear haiku poet/poetess!
Sending you my regards from Montenegro.
We would be honored if you join our First International Haiku Contest in English.
Thank you for your attention and time,
Best wishes
Slavka Klikovac, the coordinator
First Montenegrin International Haiku Contest in English, 

Competition is organized by the Association of the Artists 

of the Town of Golubovci, Montenegro

Deadline: March 10, 2017
Haiku: 5 unpublished haiku in English
Theme: Nature and man as a part of it
Form: We welcome both traditional and modern haiku
Results: July 2017, the poets will be informed by an e-mail message  
E-mail address:   haikuvi               
Subject:   Haiku contest
Awards:   Diploma and a joint collection
Please send your haiku in word .doc, letters Times New Roman 12 
with a password.   
Your password and full name and address please give in the body of 
(the same) e-mail message.
Annonymus judging, names of the judges will be announced with
the awarded haiku.

O invitaţie din Muntenegru.
Am fi onoraţi dacă aţi participa la concursul nostru First International Haiku 
în limba engleză.

Coordonator Slavka Klikovac


Primul concurs internațional de haiku din Muntenegru în limba engleză, 

Concursul este organizat de Asociaţia Artiştilor din oraşul Golubovci, 

Termen: 10 martie 2017 

Haiku: 5 haiku-uri nepublicate în limba engleză 
Tema: Natura și omul ca o parte a ei
 Formă: haiku tradițional și modern 
Rezultate: iulie 2017, poeții vor fi informați printr-un mesaj e-mail 
Adresa de e-mail: haikuvi 
Subiect: Concurs de Haiku 
Premii: Diplomă și o colecție comună

Vă rugăm să trimiteți haiku în document Word, Times New Roman 12,

cu parolă.  

Parola, numele complet și adresa  se scriu în același mesajul e-mail. 

Jurizare anonimă, numele juraţilor vor fi anunţate odată cu 
anunţarea premiilor.

marți, 7 februarie 2017

A haiku competition

Public Institution “Green Ring”, Zagreb County, Samobor, Croatia
and Haiku Association “Three Rivers” Ivanić-Grad, Croatia
are pleased to announce the haiku competition as follows.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2017.

Please send ONE UNPUBLISHED HAIKU IN ENGLISH per author, not submitted anywhere else.

Style: with one kigo (a seasonal reference – if any), three lines, no strict syllable count but in the traditional Japanese kaiku pettern (5-7-5 sylables).
Please give your name and address with haiku in the body of your message.
The judging will be anonymous.
The judges’ names will be announced at the time of the awards.
The awards: A plaque and a White Stork haiku collection.

The results: Beginning of May at

The awarded authors will be informed by an e-mail message accordingly.
The awards will be given away on the Day of the White Stork in Croatia, August 24, 2017 or sent by mail to the awardees.